lexian peninsula
Millennium han anwenyun · landscape lexian peninsula
Mineral resources

Energy and mineral resources are mainly coal, natural gas and oil shale, nonmetal and building materials stone of main minerals are limestone, sandstone, shale, bauxite, refractory clay, marble, sand, gravel and clay ceramic, metal minerals and scattered elements are mainly iron, potassium, gold, aluminum, gallium, rubidium and lithium, chemical minerals are mainly salt and clay minerals. The crust of neijiang is relatively stable, and the outlying strata are mainly affected by the "ziwei domes anticline", "shengdeng domes anticline" and "luoguanshan anticline". Natural gas is mainly produced in the "ziwei domes anticline" and "shengdeng domes anticline" two tectonic belts.

Plant resources
Neijiang has a mild climate, abundant rainfall, suitable for the growth of a variety of trees. There are more than 60 families, 110 genera and 190 species of tree species. The elevation of neijiang river varies little, and the terrain is mostly hilly and low mountain. The forest vegetation types, community composition and community dynamic characteristics show obvious zone changes with the difference of soil physical and chemical properties, and have relative stability within the corresponding range. The forest vegetation mainly includes coniferous forest, broad-leaved forest, bamboo forest, shrubbery and so on.

Forest neijiang

The forest vegetation of neijiang river is mainly timber forest, mainly including tung oil forest, camellia oil forest, citrus forest, and other deciduous fruit forest, such as pear, apple, peach, plum, apricot, cherry, grape and mulberry forest, tea forest, olive oil, palm, walnut, wax and other economic trees; Firewood forest is widely distributed, high yield, most renewable and renewable, the main tree species are alder, purple locust, mulberry, wattle, etc. Other special purpose environmental protection forest, experimental forest, mother forest, landscape forest, historical sites and revolutionary holy land forest, nature reserve forest, etc., the dominant tree species are masson pine, camphor, nanmu, berberine, cypress, etc.

Animal resources
There are mainly various livestock, poultry and some wild animals. Domestic animals include animals, birds, insects, fish and domestic wild animals. There are pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits and a small number of horses, mules, donkeys and so on; Birds are mainly chickens, geese, ducks, quail and pigeons, of which chickens, geese, ducks feed the most; Insects include bees and silkworms. Fish species of carp, carassius carp and has introduced grass, green, silver carp, bighead and other 30 species; Domestic wild animals have otters, cormorants, sika deer, black bears and so on. Wild animals are difficult to inhabit and breed because there are few barren mountain forests in neijiang. Currently, there are only more than 240 kinds of wild animals, including sparrows, turtledoves, black-tailed snakes, frogs, eel, loach, wild cats and rabbits.
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